Monday, March 29, 2010

Noah's 2 year Checkup

Noah had his two year checkup today. It didn't go nearly as well (in the beginning) as I had imagined. He was fine in the waiting room, but as soon as the doctor's assistant came out to get us, he flipped. He started to cry and would not let me put him down which made it extremely difficult to get his weight. He also batted at the thermometer to keep it from touching his forehead. He was in complete hysteria from me holding him down to get his length measurement. Ugh! It was heartbreaking to say the least. As soon as Dr. Nason came in, he was a bundle of joy. She is so good with him and shows him all of her tools and lets him touch or hold them. He is at complete ease with her (I think because she's not the one to give the shots). He jumped for her and showed off a bit which she was very impressed with. She was thrilled with his progress which made it a happy ending for us.

His stats:
weight: 25lbs 10oz 20th%tile
length: 35 1/2" 55th%tile
head: 19 1/2" 75th%tile

His 2 year molars are halfway in on the bottom which explains his super drool and fever on Saturday night.

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