Thursday, May 10, 2012

Muffins for Moms

Back in August Noah's preschool had a Donuts for Dads event where all the dads were invited in, the kids served donuts and drinks, the kids sang a few songs, and they did a small project together. I admit I was a little jealous because I hadn't yet put together that it was a late Father's Day celebration since they aren't in school in June. 
Anyway, fast forward to last Thursday.
 When I picked Noah up from school he handed me an invitation for... Muffins for Moms!!!! He was busting at the seams in excitement for the Mother's Day celebration and asked me everyday if today was the day.
So today was finally the day! We arrived at school and Noah grabbed my hand and led me in like I had never been there before. He reintroduced me to everything in his classroom and then chose our seats for us. He wanted us to sit in the same spot that him and Jay had sat in so many months back. *cute*
We immediately got back up so he could show me the refreshment table including cinnamon rolls, blueberry muffins, banana nut muffins, milk, and juice. He selected for me what he thought I would like (a cinnamon roll) but did not want to deal with getting me a drink. 
After a few nibbles, all the kids gathered in the front of the room and sang a few songs for us. Noah was a lot more into it than he was during the Christmas program. I didn't hear him but I did see his lips moving. He was smiling and having fun and grabbing the other kids' hands, swinging them around while they sang. I took a video of this so I can't share any still shots. Maybe if Jay finds a minute he will get it on here for your enjoyment. We were given our Mother's Day gifts but instructed not to open it until Mother's Day, but I think I may know what it is. I saw another student in a different class that couldn't wait for his mom to open it so she pulled out a couple oven mitts with hand prints on them. I guess we will have to see what my gift turns out to be...
Noah has been reminding me all day that he is not going to give me any clues as to what is all wrapped up for me.

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