Saturday, December 5, 2009


Yesterday we were shopping and Santa happened to be at the store so we took a picture with him. When Noah sees Santa he waves and yells "Hi Tanta! Hi!" In fact, on the way over, there was a Santa waving to passing cars. We rolled down Noah's window at the traffic light and he had a "conversation" with him. Anyway, everything seems to be going well. We stand back and watch a few kids sit on Santa's lap before cautiously approaching him. He sits on his lap...

Then the photo girl made the mistake of taking his pretzel from his hand.
He then becomes very skeptical of Santa.

We try again slowly getting closer and closer.

But this is the only way he would have it.

In the end he gave Santa a high-five and liked him again but only with me as a barrier. We'll be visiting Santa again so we'll let you know how it goes.

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