Nate turned 6 months on October 13th. Unfortunately, things didn't go as well as I would have wished. Nate still has eczema and the doctor is worried that it may be an allergy in my milk from something that I'm eating. She said that we will have to take him to an allergist to be tested at one year if it's still present then. His tear duct is still clogged. She is recommending we take him to an ENT doctor at 9 months if it hasn't opened by then. Well, the reason is two-fold. He also has a raspy voice and has had it since the day he started making sounds, but she is concerned that there might be something going on in his throat. He is growing but not on a consistent growth curve. Noah had the same issue but it is still worrisome. I can't help but wonder if he's getting enough milk. His stats:
Weight: 14.75lbs - 5th%tile
Length: 27" - 65th%tile
Head Circum: 16.75" - 15th%tile
On a brighter note, she has given us the thumbs up to let him cry it out at night. He's been waking up twice a night at the same exact time. This is how I know it's a schedule we've created that needs to be broken. The first night he cried a bit but the second he just kind of woke up and settled himself back down within moments. 8 hours is great but since he goes to bed around 7:30, I'm really only getting a 5 hour stretch, but I won't complain. It won't be long before he sleeps a little longer.
I also forgot to report that both of his bottom, middle teeth came in about two weeks ago (a day apart) and his top, right broke through. The top, left is on the verge - any day now.
We're going in for a weight check in 4 weeks, so please pray that something or everything has changed for the better!!
1 comment:
I will pray for that little angel!!! We love him!!!
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