Sunday, August 15, 2010

Yay Noah!

We are so proud of Noah and his potty training progress! After some easy tips from Elisa, Noah is well on his way to keeping his big boy pants clean and dry. On Saturday, Noah let his first #2 go in the potty at Mimi's house. (I will spare you the picture, but yes, we took one.) It was exciting to see it in the potty knowing that it wasn't smothered on his behind waiting for us to clean it off him. He was so proud of himself. He kept walking over to the potty looking in saying, "Wow! Noah go poo in the potty!" He didn't want us to dump it in the toilet until he got all the praise in the world. Anyway, we were out a lot of the day on Sunday and he kept his pull-up dry the entire time letting us know when he needed to use the restroom. He sat on the toilet (without an insert) at the mall two different times, once at Home Depot, and also at church twice. He told the teachers in his classroom that he had to go and went without any problems. He is still very hesitant to go #2 on the potty and asks occasionally for us to put a diaper on him in order to go. Of course we don't, but I also fear that he might get blocked up because then he tends to hold it as long as he can. ANYWAY, I know this is probably all too much information for most of you, but this is such an exciting milestone for not only Noah, but Jay and me too!! Great job Noah!!


Scott A. said...


Nicole said...

YAY Noah, Sarah, & Jay!!! We could use some of those tips ourselves! Kristin started to use the potty again once we got here but changed her mind and now keeps saying she doesn't want to. I am so proud of all of you!