Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Doc Appointment

Another great check up. My weight has come to somewhat of a halt. I lost another half pound. Nate's heart rate was 135 bpm which is a lot slower than it normally is. I have dilated another centimeter so I am now at 3cm and still 80% effaced. She asked if I wanted to have my membranes stripped to which I said "no", but she did do something that she thought would start to help move things along. I'm not sure what it was but it was along the same lines of rubbing around his head. I'm not totally clear on what the "procedure" is and what it does but she said it may start some contractions. Anyway, she had me schedule another appointment for next week but doesn't think I will make it. Yay! We're excited to meet our new baby boy!!
39 weeks 1 day

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