Thursday, January 21, 2010

Doc Appointment

Another great check-up. Again, that means that I didn't gain much (less than a pound to be exact). We had another ultrasound and got to check up on our little bundle. He is growing perfectly. He is now approximately 2lbs 11oz and 14 1/2" long. His heart rate was 124bpm and everything measured at the 50th percentile although he is measuring one day behind. I also had my glucose test but won't find out the results until my next appointment (if there isn't a problem) or they'll call me as soon as they find out there is a concern. Thanks for every one's prayers! I'll have another update in two weeks...
Today at 28 weeks 3 daysFirst pic is in 3D of his arm covering half his face. Second is his profile.

1 comment:

Claudia Luckey said...

seriously where is that baby hiding? you are so're lucky