Friday, September 28, 2012

Cornerstone Women's Retreat

Whitney and Me
We had an amazing weekend in God's Word digging deeper into the understanding that we are never alone. Lost Canyon Resort (Young Life Camp) just happens to be off Route 66 in Williams, AZ, so of course we had to take a few pictures.

Deanna, Jessica, Me
Ashley, Jessica, Me, Susan, Whitney

the yellow cabin was ours

going for a hike with Deanna, Ashley, Jessica (and Adair)
Our Cabin:Kendal, Jessica, Ashley
Kendal, Adair, Susan, Me
Deanna, Whitney
Young Life friendship bracelets that help remind us of everything we learned.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Joshua 24:15

We just finished a great series at church called "Untitled: Writing Your Family Story". I highly recommend you check it out here. It's the idea of building and creating a family legacy and that it can start with you no matter what the history of your family has been. 
Each family was given a stake to write their name and title on and then put it in the ground at home. On the car ride home we explained to Noah and Nate about our stake and title and the meaning behind it all. They were really excited to help pound it into the ground too.

 But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.
                                                                                                                          Joshua 24:15

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Soccer Time

Adelle, Eli, Madelyn, Chloe, Renni, Zander, Noah
 Today was Noah's first soccer game. He has been begging us to join soccer mainly because of Zander, the boy sitting next to him. 
Check out #4

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Night Rider

Grandpa was on his way home from work one night when he spotted a bike rider with flashing, florescent lights on the wheels. He instantly thought of Noah and Nate. As soon as he got home, he told Grammy about them. She went straight to the computer and ordered some. As with all kids, they love receiving mail, but even more than a letter, they were surprised to find a package filled with these. We went outside right away and they tried them out - even though it wasn't dark yet.

This was taken a few nights later (at night!)

Nate doesn't have spokes, so we had to work with what he's got...

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Graduation!! Sea Lion to Porpoise

Noah Erickson, Age 4 Sea Lion Graduate
Posted By EVO Swim School On September 4, 2012 (1:39 pm) In Student Graduates
EVO Swim School is pleased to announce that Noah Erickson, age 4, has graduated from the Sea Lion class level. He can now display the ability to swim a basic freestyle stroke (otherwise known as “big arms”) while taking a breath on his back. He is prepared for the Porpoise class where he will learn the freestyle side breathing technique and backstroke. On behalf of Noah’s instructor, Patrick and the entire EVO Swim School staff, we say…CONGRATULATIONS!